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Just Mercy: My Review

Just Mercy ***** (5 out of 5 stars)

I was really looking forward to seeing this movie, as we had read the book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, by Bryan Stevenson in our book club. It is an incredible and powerful true story that should be a must-read for every person over the age of 15. The movie did not disappoint, and in many ways was even more powerful than the book, which is unusual. Michael B. Jordan takes the leading role, playing an eager and optimistic young Harvard graduate lawyer, who comes to Alabama to open a law office on a shoestring budget. His goal is to take on clients, mostly black and all poor, at no charge to them, to fight for justice in a prejudiced and bigoted legal system. In this oscar worthy portrayal of an earnest and highly motivated warrior against injustice, he is asked on numerous occasions along the way, why in the world he would take on this fight? It will earn him no money nor glory, when he could be in New York, earning the big bucks as a big shot corporate lawyer? We never really understand what it is that motivates him, but thankfully he chose this route, and is a real life hero.

Jamie Foxx will also surely get an Oscar nomination for his role as Walter, the accused inmate, found guilty by a county court, and sentenced to execution on death row based on faulty testimony and no evidence. He has lost all hope of being vindicated, but his family and neighbors are steadfast in their willingness to fight on, and eventually, he begins to trust this young lawyer who refuses to give up.

This is not an easy movie to watch, even though you know that the story will end up well for Walter. We experience the unfairness, the brutality and the prejudice of the system through the eyes of Walter and his lawyer. While we have all heard the statistics of men incarcerated and executed who are later found to be innocent, watching this movie makes it truly emotional and raw. You feel like you, just sitting there with your popcorn are part of the problem, by just sitting back and allowing this to happen in our justice system that is so lauded. Bryan Stevenson and the lawyers and staff of his office are the true heroes of this story.

I understand the movie was planned to be released on MLK weekend, but that they waited for Thanksgiving so it would be included in the Oscar considerations. I think it will be a tough sell to get the family up and off the couch to see this after turkey and pumpkin pie, especially if Frozen II is an option, but hopefully, people will be motivated by any oscar buzz to go see this. It is powerful and a must-see.